Balancing Anxiety

Online Resources for Anxiety Treatment & Maternal Mental Health

By a licensed mental health therapist and mother to many

Hi, I’m Nicole

I help perfectionists, overthinkers and mothers overcome their worries to live their best life possible. Balancing Anxiety is my passion and purpose.

Anxiety can feel like…

You’re stressed, and you can’t relax.

You can’t seem to fall asleep at night, and your thoughts don’t shut off.

You find yourself feeling more and more overwhelmed, and yet you just keep taking on more.

Your mind is racing with thoughts about things you need to accomplish, and it never feels like your best is enough.

You want to talk to someone about it but you don’t want to burden the people in your life. The worry builds, and you find yourself feeling shameful.

Treatment can feel like…

Get more rest at night and stop racing thoughts that keep you up and drain your energy during the day.

Utilize coping skills for your anxiety such as sensory practices, thought-work, and interventions.

Determine what is at the root cause of your anxiety and work past it.

Create a self-preservation plan to ensure you do not experience symptoms in the future after discharging from our work.

Getting the support you deserve.


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